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oh, your offers!


Are our offers making eyes at you? Now’s the moment to pick your favourite and let sparks fly!

The door of Olangerhof is always open. And there’s no secret password to get in, just send us an enquiry or make a booking – job done! Seize the moment!

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Quality, sustainability, and happiness

Sustainability is the key to a happy life. And you just have to look at the glorious nature all around us to see that we’re on the right track: Olangerhof gets its energy from solar photovoltaic panels and biomass, only uses biocompatible and biodegradable detergents, environmentally friendly toiletries, and ecological linen and sponges, and has reduced the use of plastic items to a minimum (and if we have them, they’re made of recycled plastic). Want to give us a hand? Just use less water, separate your rubbish, and reuse your towels – simple! Be sustainable, be happy!

Breaking news. From 29 March, the Olangerhof is taking a short break:

We’ll be back on 29 June. Do you have questions or queries? We’ll be happy to answer them anytime!